Harald & Gronk heading back to Queen's Crown from brothel. Bori & Faefina return to Sheriff with letter from minister. Sheriff seems even more tired than before, writing without looking.
B&F say Minister has offered help. Sheriff is happy he'll have men at last. B&F say they've been told to investigate the army.
H&G see Kineeta, hair done up and with backpack. She's heading off for prior engagement (wedding). Will be back in less than a week, business in city must be conducted by then.
Kineeta must meet patron.
Harald wants to meet spymaster. Party realise they could stake out brothels for him or find some other way.
Party decides to visit army first. Hire horses, ride out. Enormous encampment, tens of thousands of men. Harald introduces party, gets guided to commanders tent. Camp seems split into two parts, one third has men separately situated. Men are in armour at all times. Harald asks soldier about those men - are told they're Crowley's men. Those soldiers don't participate in revelry. Of 45 000 in camp, 15 000 are Crowley's recruits. Soldier doesn't know why they're necessary.
B&H go to talk to Crowley's men, G&F take letter to general.
B&H see skin tones of soldiers are off. They seem unnaturally pale, bloodless. Bori assumes zombies and starts shouting as much. Harald stops him. 10 minutes of looking round, large soldier stops them, asks what they're doing. Asks if they're part of kings guard, they agree. Soldier says they're welcome but most soldiers not recruited by Crowley choose not to stay in their camp.
Harald realises soldier is trying to intimidate him. It doesn't work.
Harald agrees to leave. Is disappointed in soldier.
G&F walk towards command tent - hear loud jovial laughter inside. Soldier nearby says this is one of his more mellow days. General Roy Albertson greets them, says he hasn't seen a Harengone in many years. Hand general letter, general whispers to men behind him, general says he's given as many men back as he could. General is concerned about Crowley's men. Every spy he's sent to watch them has been lost.
General says that army will be decamping soon, to cross the sea and conquer new land for the king. G&F head off, G taking a beer.
Faefina tries detecting good & evil on Crowley's men. Party notices phoenix on F's shield starts to glow slightly. Realises the men are undead. Tells party, Harald has visions/flashback of ravens flying around. Faefina tells general that Crowley's men are undead. General plans an encirclement, and to call on Selena's sect, and Dreadhunters.
Faefina casts blessing on soldiers.
Party heads back to Church of the Dread Maiden. Inform priests of undead army, priests say they will send Dreadhunters to assist. Party goes on to church of Leng. Faefina runs in yelling about the undead, is told to be silent. Tells priests, they offer help. At church of Mei, they find priests already heading out, foresaw this happening. Church of Dei offer help for the joy of fighting. Harald bemoans more fighting.
Party tells Sheriff has look of relief, tempered by news of army of undead outside city.
Party tells minister, he pales and runs towards the king to protect him. Burst into room with King and Crowley having tea. King in plain clothes.
King knows about undead army. Gronk suggest King stops, guards usher king out anyway. Crowley dismisses guards.
Party attacks Crowley.
Crowley's hand slips near wall, grabs scimitar.
Hits party with fire and necrotic blasts, B&F take full, H&G tae half. 27 total
Bori lunges for Crowley, attacks, hits twice, for 4 and 6, nearly knocks him prone. Bori dodges some fire leaping out at him, leaps over Crowley.
Gronk runs to Crowley, uses Burning Hands to hit for 8.
Harald attacks Crowley, hits for 9.
Faefina casts spiritual weapon, misses with it. Casts Healing Word to heal for 13.
Crowley hits Bori for 6, misses Harald. misses Gronk.
Crowley moves, G, B, and H all miss attack of opportunity.
Bori hits 3 times w. crit: 18 + 6 + 4. Uses Flurry of Blows
Gronk can't qite muster power for Chaos Bolt.
Harald hits Crowley, trips him, hits for 13.
Faefina casts Guiding Bolt, hits for 14. Uses spiritual weapon, hits for 12.
Crowley stands, points at Faefina, says something in Infernal. Faefina resists.
Bori Hits twice, one a crit. 5 + 12. uses Flurry of Blows to prone him, fails.
Gronk casts Chaos Bolt, hitting for 15 force damage.
Harald hits twice, knocking Crowley pronce and dealing 12 damage.
Crowley points his finger, a tongue of force emerging, hitting Harald for 11 Necrotic damage.
Faefina casts Guiding Bolt, killing Crowley.
Crowley screams as the bolt enters his eye, and hellfire spills out. Crawls to his cupboard, rips out a spell scroll and powder, and disappears.
Doors swing open, revealing a group of Knights.
'The king will see you now'
Party taken in to see king. Party banished, to leave by end of week. Allows party to inspect office w. ministry of defense.
On way out, party hears king saying that Lady Hillaria must be dealt with, wanting to usurp him.
Party investigates office, Faefina discovers journals in strange cipher. Faefina casts Detect Magic, finds books written in Infernal, 3 gold (donated to Harald), and letters written to 'The Lord Most High'. Letter thanks him for summoning of undead, claimed it an impressive level of necromancy seldom seen before. Signed 'I live to serve' Party shows letter to minister, and then king. King offers 26GP each, and must leave Lenthor for good.
Take books to church of Uo, priest sees it as a correspondence with a fiend of the nine hells. Asks if Bori has any darker desires to experience. Bori says he has many, has to hold himself back with each breath.
Priest mentions correspondence also mentions an apotheosis, asks if party knows anything about that.
Faefina, Gronk, and Bori go to Lady Hillaria, who happens to be in town. Asks what we want, party hints at dirt on king. Party show her letter, she rewards party w. 37GP each. She cannot rescind the exile, but can delay it a little.
Harald feels goblin pulling on his suit. Judy Ethan Edith Montpelier Esq. says that Kineeta has hired them on behalf of her - he is Kineeta's patron. He's heard of impending exile, and can offer a place to hide. Offers a map, warns that place is lair of a gold dragon - good guy but do stay out of his way.
Party gets 725XP